While I was cleaning the bow of the boat from gull poo this morning, I thought; “Would your seaside impression be incomplete without the cry of gulls?”
Which made me think that the omni present call of seagulls is the background noise of coastal life, even more it seems at times, than the crashing surf.
Louder, shriller, almost screaming to be noticed and acknowledged.
But, their shrill piercing call is a trigger that takes me back to carefree summer days, sharp bright sunlight, ocean smells and wind on my skin.
It is always reassuringly there, the sound, like an indicator ping of my geographic location.
In summer months they can make me irritable with their constant squawking demanding attention. Their shrill cry can pierce through any private thoughts until I’m forced to look up and acknowledge their presence.
I’m not sure how, but in winter they seem to go through a transformation to become one of the most elegant, resilient and graceful birds, holding me captive the way they ride the squalls that come rushing in from across oceans. Patiently facing the storms or waiting out the gales sitting silently on the sand. Living with the flow and ebb of the tide.
In winter, their call sounds like the shrill of the wind or a cry reflecting the spirit of the ocean.
The Seagull’s call is more than just background noise begging for treats. It’s like a vital thread in the rich tapestry of coastal life. Without it, life at the coast - and perhaps even our broader experiences - would be less colourful. For me the gull is a symbol of freedom, resilience and adaptability. (even though come summer I may be irritated by their incessant cry for “SlapTjippss” on the Seapoint promenade.)
Danish architect Jørn Utzon was inspired by nature and in particular seagull wings in flight for his design of the iconic Sydney Opera House.
Another Danish designer, Gösta Berg designed a seagull inspired armchair.
But my favourite gull inspired design is that of Friedrich Geiger and what he did with the iconic Gullwing to design what must surely be the most beautiful car in the world.
Nature is truly inspirational.
I love hearing your thoughts and feedback so feel free to drop me a quick comment.